Elementary Mathematical Modeling Daily Log
9:50 - 10:40 & 10:50 - 12:05 TTh
Math 137-CC57
Fall 2019

week 1, week 2, week 3, week 4, week 5, week 6,
week 7
, week 8, week 9, week 10, week 11, week 12,
week 13
, week 14, week 15, week 16, week 17

Items in bold were taken for a grade. The abbreviation ANN stands for announcement. Underlined items are clickable; click on it and then print out the handout.
August 27
ANN: Please read the Introduction of the book, pages 1-10. Try the problems at the end of the Introduction Chapter on pages 9-10. We will discuss them today and next time. I handed out photocopies of the book if needed. They are available from me in person. In class, we introduced ourselves to each other and talked over some bits from the syllabus and class policies. I also handed out an additional syllabus for the Math 037 co-requisite portion of the class and information from the math tutoring center. We spent some time in class working in small groups on the problems on pages 9-10 of the book. Be sure to read the book as instructed and look at those problems more if needed before next class. Also, read the syllabus in full.
August 29
ANN: Please read chapter 1, pages 11-20. You will see problems on pages 12, 15, 17, and 19. As you read each chapter, stop to work the problems as they arise in your dedicated notebook. Do not look at the book's solution or work with other people but instead try to solve each problem with your own ideas. When you think you are done or stuck, read the book's solution. Feel free to amend your solution as you see fit after you read the book's solution. ANN: Please complete number 6 on page 21 (pg. 22 in the second edition of the book) for next class. Everyone will write their diagram on the board next class. In class, students were randomly broken up into groups of four. Students will sit with these groups for a few weeks, then we will re-select groups. Students took a quick evaluation for math anxiety called Do You Have Math Anxiety? A Self Test. We had some discussion of the topic and then went on to discuss the problems from pages 9-10 which were assigned (and partially discussed) last time. We had a great discussion.
September 3
ANN: Please read the handout Polya's Problem Solving Techniques. Having a plan when solving a problem is extremely useful, of course, and George Polya gives us a straight-forward one which segways nicely into how the book is set up. In class, we had a brief discussion of the chapter 1 reading that was assigned last time. Everyone who would then got to the board and displayed their picture for number 6, page 22, assigned last time. We discussed their similarities and differences and how, despite the differences, all could be used to answer the problem's questions. We then used one of the pictures to answer one of the questions asked in the problem. Small groups worked on number 1 "Worm journey" on page 20 (page 21 in the second edition of the book). Notice this is written in bold so it tells you it was taken for a grade. I handed out Grid Paper to be used for the required drawing. The picture, along with the answer and explanation, was collected, one per group. You need to use words to explain either your solution or the picture you drew. Small groups went on to explore number 4 "Floor tiles" before we discussed it as a whole class. I handed out Chapter 1, Number 4 Grid Paper to be used for a concept we used during the whole class discussion.
September 5
[Friday, September 6 is the last day to drop the class and receive a full refund.] ANN: Please read chapter 2, pages 27-43. Problems are on pages 28, 32, 33, 35, 39, and 40. The problem on page 32 is the same as that on page 12 in chapter 1, but it is done using a different technique. Again, as you read each chapter, stop to work (and well label) the problems as they arise in your dedicated notebook. Do not look at the book's solution or work with other people but instead try to solve each problem with your own ideas. When you think you are done or stuck, read the book's solution. Feel free to amend your solution as you see fit after you read the book's solution. In class, we first looked at some pre-requisite material needed for the chapter 2 reading, particularly the problem on page 39. We explored and talked through the formulas for the area and perimeter of a rectangle as well as defined whole numbers. I also mentioned that, even though I say do the problems with your own ideas, I do not intend to restrict your use of the internet for looking up needed facts like area formulas or definitions. In class, I handed back the first graded assignment and also gave out a Grade Sheet on which you can record your grades. It is optional but without an online component to keep track of your grades, you might feel more comfortable keeping a record. I did mention that if a group paper is given back to you, please share it with other group members so they can see any comments and record their grade. I also shared a successful student drawing for the graded problem "Worm journey". We, in small groups and then as a whole class, discussed the chapter 1 problems number 5 "Stone necklace", number 2 "Ups and downs of shopping", and number 3 "Follow the bouncing ball".
September 10
ANN: I gave out a handout titled Inductive versus Deductive Reasoning to be read and attempted by next class. To prepare, we discussed what a palindrome in English is, like "mom" or "taco cat", and what it means for a number to be divisible by 11. I asked students to try the whole worksheet although you may find pages 3 and 4 to be challenging. Look through the whole worksheet and you will be better prepared for the full discussion next time. In class, we started off with a discussion of the chapter 2 reading assigned last time. In particular, we spent some real time with the problems on pages 35 and 40. We took some time to talk about the previous handout Polya's Problem Solving Techniques. We then worked on The Fundamental Counting Principle and Systematic Lists as a whole class (numbers 1-5) and then in small groups (numbers 6-11). We did come together as a whole class to work on numbers 8a-c. It will be collected, one paper per person, next time. I asked students to continue their work at home so that we can spend some time in groups next time and then collect it.
September 12
Class cancelled due to teacher illness.
September 17
ANN: Please read chapter 3, pages 47-54 (problems on pages 49 and 52) and page 60 about group work and page 64 for the chapter conclusion. ANN: Exam 1 will come after chapter 5 and we skip chapter 4. So it should be in about a couple of weeks. In class, students completed a survey on the group work we have done in class. Please complete it and turn it in to me. (Number 3d is written in past-tense. Please try to answer it with the future in mind.) We discussed the handout Inductive versus Deductive Reasoning. We then worked on The Fundamental Counting Principle and Systematic Lists in small groups to finish it up. It was collected, one paper per person. I then handed out Supplemental Counting Problems which will be collected Thursday, one paper per person.
September 19
In class, I collected some left-over The Fundamental Counting Principle and Systematic Lists worksheets but that due date is considered Tuesday. So, if you are to get full credit on it, you should get it to my office by the end of the day. If I walk into my office the following morning and find it waiting for me, I will consider it "turned in within one class period" because I really give the whole day. I collected Supplemental Counting Problems from everyone. Again, turn it in Tuesday for full credit. After the one class late period, you are given half credit on assignments. It is still worthwhile to turn it in but your grade will be halved. Read the syllabus for full details. We went on to work Magical Math Puzzles as a whole class and in small groups. We then worked on Number Tricks and Deductive Reasoning Exercise. We completed page 1 and I asked students to complete page 2 as homework. We will continue with it next time.
September 24
ANN: Exam 1 will cover chapters 1-3 and 5 as well as inductive and deductive reasoning and the fundamental counting principle. Any topic or problem we discussed or read could appear on the exam. It is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 3. I handed out Math 137 Exam 1 Review and showed students where my Solutions are on the Website. ANN: Please read chapter 5, pages 115-125 and page 134 (chapter conclusion). Problems are on pages 117 and 123. (We are skipping chapter 4.) In class, we discussed the chapter 3 reading, assigned Sep. 17. I pointed out that the appendix at the back of the book has divisibility rules as well as other useful tidbits. We used the divisibility rules (and the idea of multiples) when we discussed the problem on page 49. We completed the discussion of the worksheet from last time, Number Tricks and Deductive Reasoning Exercise. We looked at, on page 65, numbers 1 "Square roots" , 3 "Parking lot", and 6 "Dartboard" in small groups and as a whole class.
September 26
ANN: Exam 1 will cover chapters 1-3 and 5 as well as inductive and deductive reasoning and the fundamental counting principle. Any topic or problem we discussed or read could appear on the exam. It is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 3. In class, we briefly looked at, on page 67, number 10 "The Three Squares" in small groups. It is a complicated problem so I handed out Exploration: Elimination of Possibilities Technique: Chapter 3, Number 10 "The Three Squares". We completed pages 1-4 as a whole class and then small groups finished the worksheet off with page 5. It was collected, one per group. We then discussed the chapter 5 reading. We worked in small groups, and then as a whole class, on number 1 "Sequence patterns", only parts a-c and f, on page 134. We had some time at the end of the hour to work on the Math 137 Exam 1 Review. I reminded students that the Solutions are on the Website.
October 1
ANN: Exam 1 will cover chapters 1-3 and 5 as well as inductive and deductive reasoning and the fundamental counting principle. Any topic or problem we discussed or read could appear on the exam. It is scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 3. In class, we completed number 4 "Rectangular dots" on page 135. We did it in small groups but then discussed it as a whole class. We then discussed number 7 "Last digit" on page 136 as a whole class. We completed Bunnies! An Exploration of the Fibonacci Sequence and it was collected, one per person. We had some time for small groups to work on the Math 137 Exam 1 Review. I reminded students that the Solutions are on the Website.
October 3
ANN: Please read chapter 6, pages 145-155. Problems will be on pages 147, 151, and 153. We will use guess-and-check to solve these problems. Take care to rate your guesses as the book shows. It is very helpful. The page 151 problem is similar to one we have done before but, this time, a drawing will be unwieldy so try guess-and-check. In class, we took Exam 1. If you missed it, read the syllabus and look for an email from me.
October 8
ANN: Please read chapter 6, pages 155-165. Problems will be on pages 155, 158, and 160. We will use guess-and-check to solve these problems. Take care to rate your guesses as the book shows. It is very helpful. ANN: There is a strict deadline on Tues., Oct. 22. After that date, I will not take any late papers from weeks 1-8. Make sure you have turned in any missed assignments by then. You can email me and I will see if you have missed assignments if you cannot remember. In class, we discussed the first chapter 6 reading (pages 145-155). We discussed number 1 on page 166 "Dimes and quarters" in small groups, and then as a whole class. We then covered the Percents Notes (partial notes from my Math 112 class) to help prepare us for the upcoming problems that will use percents.
October 10
Class cancelled due to teacher illness.
October 15
ANN: We will not have class Thursday, Oct. 24. ANN: Please read chapter 7, pages 175-183. Problems will be on pages 177, 180, and 182. ANN: There is a strict deadline on Tues., Oct. 22. After that date, I will not take any late papers from weeks 1-8. Make sure you have turned in any missed assignments by then. You can email me and I will see if you have missed assignments if you cannot remember. In class, we randomly picked groups again and then worked through number 3 "Tax" on page 166 for chapter 6 in small groups and then discussed it as a whole class. We discussed the second chapter 6 reading (pages 155-165). Small groups completed number 2 "Markdown" and number 8 "A bunch of change" on pages 166-167. A well-labeled guess-and-check table is required. Phrase answers in sentence form. It was collected, one per group. We then discussed number 11 "Going home from college" on page 167 as a whole class.
October 17
ANN: We will not have class Thursday, Oct. 24. ANN: Please read chapter 7, pages 184-190. Problems will be on pages 184 and 186. The problem on page 184 is a straight calculation but you should use guess-and-check for the page 186 problem. ANN: Please do page 172, number 2 "After the football game" to be turned in individually next time. Use a guess-and-check table and write your answer in the form of a sentence with appropriate units for full credit. Also, if you have the second edition of the book, the problem is written the same but the numbers are different. Please use the numbers $189 for the bill's total and $2.10 for the extra amount that the payers had to chip in at the end. (These are the numbers from the third edition.) In class, we started setting up the table needed for this question. You may need to come see me in office hours or find a tutor (CM 233) to make this up. We briefly discussed the pages 175-183 chapter 7 reading. Then, in small groups, we discussed number 2 "Sharing expenses" on page 191. A few groups wrote their list of subproblems on the board and we, as a whole class, discussed the solution. We, in small groups and then as a whole class, discussed number 1 "Coffee" on page 191, number 4 "Six squares", and number 8 "Car trip". I reminded students that the point of chapter 7 is to write down the subproblems or steps needed, preferably before you begin solving it.
October 22
[Tuesday, October 22 is the last day to submit late work from weeks 1-8.] ANN: We will not have class Thursday, Oct. 24. ANN: Please read chapter 8, pages 199-207. Problems are on pages 202, 203, and 206. ANN: I handed back the exams. The average was 71%. Number 9 was converted to extra credit (plus three points if you got it right) and the exam was curved to be out of 38 points instead of 42. In class, I collected page 172, number 2 "After the football game" that was assigned last time. We briefly discussed the chapter 7, pages 184-190 reading. Small groups then completed Additional Mixture Problem. It was not collected. Students completed Mixture Problems: Salt Concentration: Guess-and-Check Method in small groups. It was collected, one per group.
October 24
Class cancelled for personal reasons.
October 29
ANN: Please read chapter 8, pages 211-223. Problems are on pages 211, 213, 215, 217, 218, and 220. Know that 100 centimeters equals 1 meter and 3.281 feet equals 1 meter. Do not round answers until the end. The problems on pages 218 and 220 involve compound units like "square feet" and "passenger miles". In class, we completed, for chapter 7, number 13 "Box" on page 193. I told students to assume the dimensions are whole numbers and to also find the dimensions of the box. I handed out Mixture Problems with Guess-and-Check and students worked on it in small groups. It will be collected next time, one per person. We briefly discussed the first chapter 8 reading from pages 199-207. We covered the idea of unit analysis as a whole class. We, as a whole class, discussed the problem on page 207 "Gas consumption". We made one-n-oes as the book describes and used them for the problem. I handed out pink slips of paper for you to use for this purpose. Keep them a few days for other problems (including one that will be assigned next class) and then hand in any blank extras so I can reuse them please. If you missed class, you can make your own one-n-oes as the book describes or get some slips from me next time.
October 31
ANN: Please do number 1 "Soda calories" on page 223 to be handed in next time. Use one-n-oes (and turn in) as the book describes (pages 207-216) for full credit. ANN: Please read chapter 9, pages 233-239 (problems on pages 234 and 237), read pages 243-246 (problem on page 243 and a discussion of the chapter's strategy on pages 245-246), read page 251 (problem between waves). The problem on page 251 is a repeat of the chapter 6, page 160 problem. Lastly, read page 254 (start at waves) to page 257 to wrap up the chapter. In class, I collected the Mixture Problems with Guess-and-Check from last time. Then, as a whole class, we discussed the page 217 problem "Fastball" from the chapter 8 reading. In small groups, we completed number 2 "Christina's trip" on page 224, parts a-g only. I suggested the use of one-n-oes but did not require them. Students shared their work in our whole class dicussion. We quickly discussed the chapter 8 reading on pages 211-223. We then worked, in small groups and then as a whole class, number 7 "Fireplace insert" on page 225.
November 5
ANN: Exam 2 over chapters 6-10 is set for Thursday, Nov. 14. I handed out Math 137 Exam 2 Review: Chapters 6-10 to be worked on individually. I will try to give time in class during the next two class periods for small groups to work on it. My solutions are under Assorted Handouts and Tutorials. In class, I collected number 1 "Soda calories" on page 223 with one-n-oes stapled on. We finished the chapter 8 material by doing number 4 "Another Long Commute" on page 224 together as a whole class. We then briefly discussed the chapter 9 reading. We investigated number 3 "Sum of Odds" on page 258 for chapter 9. If you have the second edition of the book, this is number 2 on page 258. We then worked on the worksheet How Many Squares are in a Checkerboard?. We worked through most of the worksheet as a whole class and in small groups. I asked that students complete it on their own to be collected next time.
November 7
ANN: Exam 2 over chapters 6-10 is set for Thursday, Nov. 14. I handed out extra copies of the Math 137 Exam 2 Review: Chapters 6-10 to be worked on outside of class. ANN: Please read chapter 10, pages 267-270. Problems are on pages 269 and 270. However, the page 269 problem will be worked in class today. Also, please read pages 272-274 (waves) and pages 281 (Applied Problem Solving heading) - page 285. The problem on page 273 revisits the page 269 problem. If you have the second edition of the book, subtract two from each page number. In class, I collected How Many Squares are in a Checkerboard?. We then acted out the problem on page 269 for chapter 10 as a whole class. Small groups, and then the whole class, discussed number 4 "Switching jackals and coyotes" on page 271 (second edition of book, page 269). Small groups then had time to work on the Math 137 Exam 2 Review: Chapters 6-10. My solutions are under Assorted Handouts and Tutorials.
November 12
ANN: Exam 2 over chapters 6-10 is set for Thursday, Nov. 14. I handed out extra copies of the Math 137 Exam 2 Review: Chapters 6-10 to be worked outside of class. In class, I asked for questions over the chapter 10 reading but there were none. As a whole class, we discussed number 3 "Hoop greeting" on page 271 (page 269 in the second edition of the book). Small groups explored area and volume with the worksheet Exploring Area and Volume with Physical Manipulatives. It was collected, one per group. You will need to make it to my office hours for the cubic inch manipulatives that we used for the last page. Small groups then had time to work on the Math 137 Exam 2 Review: Chapters 6-10. My solutions are under Assorted Handouts and Tutorials.
November 14
ANN: Please read chapter 11, pages 297-312. Problems are on pages 301, 303, 304, and 306. If you have the second edition of the book, subtract two from each page number. In class, we took Exam 2. Make-ups should be taken in Haskell Testing Center through Tuesday of next week. See the syllabus for details.
November 19
We randomly chose groups again. I assigned missing students to groups so ask when you return. We worked on chapter 11 material. We discussed the chapter 11 reading. We then completed number 3 "Cookies" on page 313. For the second edition of the book, this problem is on page 311. We made sure to check our answer by going forwards through the problem with our answer. We then worked on number 1 "Losing streak" on page 312 (page 310 for second edition of book). Small groups worked on number 5 "Used car" on page 314 (page 312 for second edition of book). It was required that groups check their answer visibly on paper. This was collected, one paper per group. We then completed number 8 "Hockey cards" on page 314 (page 312 for second edition of book).
November 21
ANN: Please read chapter 13, pages 351-360 Problems are on pages 353, 356, 358, and 359. We actually solved the first three problems back in chapter 6 (pages 147, 151, and 153.). If you have the second edition of the book, subtract two from each page number. We will use what we learned from the guess-and-check tables to solve the problems using algebra. ANN: The exam is out of 29 instead of 35 as your grade implies. That curve gave us an average of 70%. I handed out grade sheets that give you information on what your grade is in the class to this point. It does not include the last two graded group assignments. In class, we finished the chapter 11 discussion by doing number 9 "Shopping spree" on page 315 (page 313 in the second edition of the book). We then started some review needed for chapter 13 using lots of pre-requisite materials I had from my Math 112 (Elementary algebra) class. Today's handout was Math 112 Class Notes: Basic Operations, Variable Expressions, and Equations. We got through page 3 (of the section 1.4 (Math 112) notes) and will continue next time. I told students that if they felt they needed more algebra review before they did the reading, they could take the time but know that the reading is coming.
November 26
I repeated this reading assignment. ANN: Please read chapter 13, pages 351-360 Problems are on pages 353, 356, 358, and 359. We actually solved the first three problems back in chapter 6 (pages 147, 151, and 153.). If you have the second edition of the book, subtract two from each page number. We will use what we learned from the guess-and-check tables to solve the problems using algebra. We then worked on the pre-requisite material for chapters 13 and 14. Specifically, we finished the Math 112 Class notes from last time and then covered the Math 112 Class Notes: Simplifying Algebraic Expressions and pages 1-2 of Math 112 Class Notes: The Addition and Multiplication Properties of Equality. On page 2 of this last set of notes, we saw and completed the Math 112 Worksheet: Solving linear equations. It was collected, one per person. We will continue next time.
November 28
No school; Thanksgiving break Nov. 27-29. [Monday, December 2 is the last day to withdraw from the class with a grade of W.]
December 3
ANN: Please read chapter 13, pages 361-363 and pages 366-371. Problems are on pages 361 (which you have seen in chapter 6, page 155), 366, and 370. We are skipping the problem on page 363. If you have the second edition of the book, subtract two from each page number. ANN: Exam 3 will cover chapters 11, 13, and 14. It will be held Tues., Dec. 17. That will be the last day we meet; we do not have a final exam. In class, we continued our work on the pre-requisite material. We completed numbers 3,4, and 5 (but skipped the rest) of the handout Math 112 Class Notes: The Addition and Multiplication Properties of Equality from last time. We then completed Math 112 Class Notes: Algebraically Solving Systems of Linear Equations by Substitution (skipping pages 3 and 4) and Math 112 Class Notes: Algebraically Solving Systems of Linear Equations by Addition (skipping pages 3 and 4). We then started the discussion of chapter 13. We first glanced at the reading from pages 351-360. In small groups and as a whole class, we completed number 2 "More coins" on page 371 (page 369 in the second edition of the book).
December 5
ANN: Please read chapter 14, pages 383-389. Problems are on pages 384, 387, and 388. If you have the second edition of the book, subtract four from each page number. ANN: Exam 3 will cover chapters 11, 13, and 14. It will be held Tues., Dec. 17. That will be the last day we meet; we do not have a final exam. I gave out the Math 137 Exam 3 Review (disregard numbers 12, 13, and 14 as they are from chapter 17 which we are not covering). In class, we completed number 8 "Fishing poles" on page 372. In the second edition of the book, this is number 6 on page 370. We then worked on number 4 "Bike ride" on page 371 (page 369 in the second edition of the book) and number 11 "Chemistry" on page 373. In the second edition of the book, this is number 9 on page 371. Small groups then completed number 14 "Ticket price increase" on page 374 (second edition of book: number 10, page 371). It was collected, one per person. Be sure to start with a guess-and-check table, use algebra to answer the question, and phrase your answer in sentence form.
December 10
Class cancelled due to teacher sick day.
December 12
ANN: Please read chapter 14, pages 389-403 and page 408 (Calculate the Differences subheading) to page 410. Problems are on pages 389, 391, 393, 398, and 402. You can skip the master chart for cubic equations on page 410. If you have the second edition of the book, subtract four from each page number. ANN: Exam 3 will cover chapters 11, 13, and 14. It will be held Tues., Dec. 17. That will be the last day we meet; we do not have a final exam. I gave out the Math 137 Exam 3 Review (disregard numbers 12, 13, and 14 as they are from chapter 17 which we are not covering). In class, I collected stray assignments from last time. We then quickly answered questions from the first chapter 14 reading (pages 383-389). We completed the worksheet Finite Differences for Linear and Quadratic Functions in small groups and as a whole class. Groups completed and turned in the last page on their own. We spent some time revisiting number 4 "Rectangular dots" on page 135 from chapter 5. (It was repeated in the book as number 3 "Rectangular numbers" on page 412 for chapter 14.) We did the problem with the chapter 14 method. Small groups spent time working on the Math 137 Exam 3 Review.
December 17
We took Exam 3.
December 19
Class reserved for testing in case of school cancellation. See syllabus.